10 Ways to Get Sponsored for Surfing

10 Ways to Get Sponsored for Surfing


We see many young surfers looking for sponsorships, and while every young surfer will swear that they're the next Kelly Slater, the reality is that big name companies are not going to offer you a full ride just because you THINK you're the next world champion.


Surfing may be a sport for you but it's a business for the companies. 


Surfing is one of the most exciting sports, and for young surfers, getting sponsored is a dream come true. But in today's competitive surfing world, the competition to get a sponsor is fierce. It is not just about being good at surfing, but also about building your brand and creating a loyal following. In this article, we will discuss how young surfers can get sponsored.

  1. Improve Your Surfing Skills

The first step in getting sponsored is to become a great surfer. You should practice as often as possible, and strive to improve your skills. This means focusing on the basics, such as paddling, standing up, and carving. It also means developing more advanced skills, such as aerials and barrel riding. The more skilled you are as a surfer, the more attractive you will be to sponsors.

  1. Build Your Personal Brand

Sponsors are looking for more than just great surfers. They are looking for surfers who have a personal brand and a loyal following. This means that you need to develop a unique style that sets you apart from other surfers. You should also be active on social media platforms such as Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter, to help build your following. You can also start a blog or a YouTube channel where you can showcase your surfing skills and share your insights and experiences with your audience.

  1. Network with Other Surfers and Industry Professionals

Networking is a critical component of getting sponsored. You should attend surfing events and competitions, and connect with other surfers and industry professionals. This will help you to build relationships and gain exposure within the surfing community. You should also be active in online surfing communities, such as forums and Facebook groups, to help expand your network.

  1. Attend Surfing Competitions

Surfing competitions are an excellent opportunity to showcase your skills and get noticed by sponsors. You should attend as many competitions as possible, and focus on performing your best. Even if you don't win, you can still gain valuable exposure and make connections with other surfers and industry professionals.

  1. Create a Surfing Resume

A surfing resume is a document that highlights your surfing skills, achievements, and other relevant information. It is a way to showcase your surfing career to potential sponsors. Your resume should include your name, contact information, surfing achievements, notable competitions, and any other relevant information. You can also include your personal brand and social media presence in your resume to help demonstrate your following.

  1. Reach Out to Sponsors

Once you have built your personal brand, improved your surfing skills, and made connections within the surfing community, it is time to start reaching out to sponsors. You can do this by sending a sponsorship proposal to companies that you are interested in working with. Your proposal should include your surfing resume, your personal brand, and your ideas for how you can help promote the company.

  1. Be Persistent

Getting sponsored is not easy, and it requires persistence and patience. It is important to keep working hard and never give up on your dream. If you get rejected by a sponsor, don't take it personally. Keep improving your skills, building your personal brand, and networking with other surfers and industry professionals.

8. Make Surf Videos

Just like taking pictures, if you want to get sponsored, companies and surf shops will want proof of your ability. Having a whole catalogue of videos on your youtube channel will massively boost your odds of getting sponsored. If you don’t have a camera see if you can borrow a friend’s, or ask for one for your next birthday, it doesn’t need to be the most expensive for decent quality footage to get you started.

Get some varying footage and angles over a few sessions, or just post out good clips from your surf, download an editing app, add some music in and BOOM! You are your own media editing team. You can get free editing software/apps online these days, so it doesn’t need to be expensive and it really is a must for any young hopeful. If you look at the pros like Julian Wilson, John John Florence they either hire someone or have friends and family members to video almost every surf session for their social media channels.

  • Video as many session as possible – Take turns with friends or get family members to film your surf session.
  • Learn to edit videos or find a friend who can – Some aspiring videographers may even work with you to show their skills in collaboration with you.
  • Post out compelling videos of you surfing.
  • Start a youtube channel and update it regularly – At the very least once a month, but ideally aim for once a week or more.

9. Compete In Surf Competitions

If you're not competing regularly and not placing in the top 10, or better yet, the top 5, regularly, you probably need to improve your results. 


10.  Understand that this is a business.

You must provide value for your sponsors. If you're not mentioning your sponsors often \on social media posts, in the videos you produce an at every chance, You most about your sponsorship on your social media